
Show old versions of file

Show Nth version of FILE before head:

git show HEAD~N:FILE

Using a server with ssh

At the local machine, create bare cahckout and copy to server:

git clone --bare ~/path-to-project/datasci datasci.git
scp -r datasci.git

Anyone with ssh access ca then clone the repo with:

git clone

Old stuff: Crash course

What you need to know to use Git to track a little project and look at old revisions:

# start git in directory
git init

# track some files
git add *odp

# commit some revisions
git commit -a -m'save'

# ...

# show history for file
git log 08-lecture_1.odp

# log contains for example this:
# commit f829e113d4ac848408a2c310180656465f3ae579
# Author: pink <pink@localdomain.(none)>
# Date:   Mon Sep 22 08:19:21 2008 +0200
#    save

# fetch that specific revision of file:
git show f829e:08-lecture_1.odp > f829e.odp

Note that git command can be written as git-command, e.g. git show can be written as git-show.

Old stuff: Using a master repository

The preceeding works on one machine. If you want to use a "central" repo to hold all the changes done on clients you can do as follows. Let's call the host with the master for M and the client used in the former example C1 (with the repo in local-git) and another client C2.

Creating the master repo

First we have to create the repo at M. If there is an ssh-server at C1, this is a one-step operation, as we can log in to M and clone directly from C1:

# make "central" master on M as a copy of a local repo from C1
# (where git-rep is a choosen name, also note: this requires an ssh server at C1) 
# on M:
git-clone --bare C1:local-git git-rep

Otherwise we will have to use rsync first to make a local copy at M:

# make a local cop with rsync on M from C1
# on C1:
rsync -va local-git M:/tmp/
# this results in a /tmp/local-git on M

# now we can make the clone locally on M:
git-clone --bare /tmp/local-git git-rep

Using the master repo

We can now clone local copies from M (this corresponds to a checkout in cvs/svn):

# clone to C2 from M:
# on C2:
git-clone M:git-rep/ some-local-dir

Changes on C1 can be pushed to the master (this corresponds to a commit in cvs/svn). Remember you have to commit them locally first:

# after some local changes committed with git-commit
# on C1:
git-push --all M:git-rep/

And the changes pulled on another client:

# now we can pull the changes made on C1 into the repo at C2,
# on C2:
git-pull plan:git-rep/

In short: you use clone to do a checkout/copy and push/pull to commit/update from the master. You could also use git as a distributed system and clone and push/pull directly between clients.

Further reading