

Raisins, ochratoxin A and human health
Journal	Mycotoxin Research
Publisher	Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
ISSN	0178-7888 (Print) 1867-1632 (Online)
Issue	Volume 18, Supplement 2 / June, 2002
DOI	10.1007/BF02946091
Pages	178-182
Subject Collection	Biomedical and Life Sciences
SpringerLink Date	Monday, September 08, 2008

Raisins are one of the most nutritious dried fruits in the world. The
occurrence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in raisins results from contamination
and growth of ochratoxigenic fungi and short-term humid weather during
drying. The estimation of the dietary exposure dose of OTA from
raisins for the Czech population (children, adult) is presented. The
risk of acute toxic effect of OTA was in the Czech Republic usually
considered to be minimal. The risk of late toxic effects (particularly
carcinogenic risk) after ingestion of very low single or repeated OTA
doses from foodstuffs is very important
Valero, A. (2005) Ochratoxin A-producing species in grapes and
sun-dried grapes and their relation to ecophysiological
factors. Letters in Applied Microbiology 41(2)
Mycotoxins in Fruits and Vegetables
 By Rivka Barkai-Golan, Nachman Paster


Børn bør kun spise rosiner i mindre portioner og ikke hver
dag. Små børn under 3 år bør ikke spise mere end ca. 50 gram rosiner
om ugen, mens større børn kan spise flere rosiner.  Rosiner kan have
et højt indhold af svampegiften ochratoksin A, som stammer fra
skimmelsvampe og er kræftfremkaldende. Det betyder ikke noget, hvis
børnene spiser mange rosiner én dag og ingen de næste. Det er det
totale indtag over en længere periode, som skal begrænses.

Kilde: Sundhedsstyrelsen
